The Administration of Pollocksville is a small operation, with big tasks. The Mayor and his tight-knit staff manage the payments and budgets for utility services, apply for and manage grants, attend to the needs of the public, and ensure that Pollocksville is a comfortable place to live.
Polo, Nate - Lead for North Carolina Fellow
This page is a work in progress, because our economy is a work in progress. The town and the region have been in an economic recession, which Hurricane Florence only hindered further, but we are working to recover in a big way.
Links and Numbers to the County-Level Organizations that provide Public Safety Services.
Public Works primarily does grounds keeping, meter reading, and general maintenance of roads and water/sewer utilities. Robby Tew runs the one-man show and does it well.
Public Works primarily does grounds keeping, meter reading, and general maintenance of roads and water/sewer utilities. Robby Tew runs the one-man show and does it well.
The Water and Sewer Department maintains the utility services around the clock to ensure the safety and continuity of operations.